Asset Tracking
The Asset Tracking solution based on the Regate Effective platform, allows the tracking of a company’s fixed assets, which are located outside the premises, such as refrigerators in kiosks (e.g. soft drinks, ice cream), equipment in cafes and restaurants (e.g. coffee machines), production machines (printers, labelers), vending machines and others. The Asset Tracking solution is otherwise known as asset management.
The solution is provided through the Regate Effective Field Service subsystem circuit, and extends the possibilities to every mobile user with:
✓ Fixed asset management
✓ Organization of tasks by asset or generally at the spot
✓ Usage loan and contract details check with the endpoint
✓ Organization either through admin, through ERP/CRM, or automatically
✓ Connecting an asset to one or more points
✓ Fixed status recording, GPS, photography and merchandising, in combination with the corresponding modules
✓ Asset connection with barcode scanning, serial number and multiple information support (e.g. manufacturer, year, connected partner – wholesaler, type of asset, etc.)
How does it work?
The complete solution interfaces with the entire Regate Effective platform, so it can be used either by merchandisers, technicians, salespeople or sales inspectors. Depending on the role played by each mobile user, the solution offers different possibilities. So, for example, through a smartphone or tablet, a Merchandiser can check the planogram of the asset, a salesperson can declare a breakdown, and a technician can make a connection or disconnection or a restoration work on a seasonal asset. At the same time, and in combination with photography of the asset and GPS location, your company can have a complete picture of your assets in the market, with reference to where they are.